Onancock Main Street (OMS) is a Main Street America™ Accredited program and a member of Virginia Main Street. OMS​​ is a recognized leading program among the national network of communities committed to creating high-quality places and building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by Main Street America.

Guidelines and Rationale for the Designated Onancock Main Street District


Make Onancock the place where residents are proud to live, and visitors want to return. We do this by forging community partnerships, cultivating downtown businesses, enhancing our artistic and recreational assets, and celebrating our historic and cultural character.


 Historic downtown Onancock is the commercial and cultural heart of a thriving waterfront community.


The Main Street Approach

 Economic Vitality

Bolsters Onancock’s economy by stimulating downtown property development and forging a supportive business environment.


Enhances the physical assets of downtown Onancock while preserving its historic character.


Promotes downtown Onancock’s unique characteristics to residents, visitors, businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs. 


Builds a solid, sustainable foundation by cultivating partnerships, community engagement, and investor relationships.

Board of Directors

 Lisa Fiege
President & Treasurer

Karin Rush-Monroe

Jeff Adler


Brittany Burns

 Cindy Holdren

Janet Fosque

Program Manager

Jenny Gehman

OMS Programs

Facade Design Assistance

Architect-produced schematic color renderings for exterior façade improvements on downtown commercial buildings.


Promoting Onancock to the tourism industry and business entrepreneurs.

Public Art

Enhancing the downtown with public art installations.


OMS Video Series